Monday, April 25, 2011

iPad 1 or 2

What is the difference between the iPad and the iPad 2? Well there aren't a a whole lot as seen here. BUT if those extra cameras is what makes you happy, then you need and iPad 2! Basically it's "newer", a bit smaller, comes in white, has a hardware update, and is around $100 cheaper.
I believe the reason the iPad 1 and 2 have been so successful, is because people simply trust Apple to get there the first, fastest and most reliable. I think people find security in the fact that they know that no matter what is happening in the world, Apple will always have something new for us to have fun with. While sure, the iPad doesn't replace your laptop, it does do what a lot of people use their laptops for: Facebook, Twitter, movie streaming, music and videos, surfing the web (yes even without Flash), calender, and of course games (which I think are much more fun on the iPad). Over all there is just this feeling of seamlessness you have when using the iPad, since you don't have to worry about bringing a big power cord (like you do for your laptop) you feel free to put in in your purse and walk out the door.

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