Saturday, April 23, 2011

touch screen- Upgrade or downgrade?

I have had a lot of experience with touch pad devices in my life. In my career in the navy I worked on touch screens as a maintenance tech and they have always given people problems. I find touch screens are fun to use when you are in a relaxed state of mind, when it doesn't mater that the wrong button is pushed. When there is a pressure situation it is really frustrating to have miss clicks and end up on the wrong screen or having to start a long process over because the infernal machine reads your finger wrong. The ipad is no different from other touch screen devices. It still has a lot of miss touches. on a visceral level I think there is two main reactions fun and happy or angry and frustrated. The fun can change to frustration pretty quickly when something that looks like a button doesn't respond like a button or the touch screens response isn't fast enough.

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