Hi Folks:
There are two posts required of you after you explore the iPad in class.
One of the topics should consider the visceral and behavioral aspects of using the iPad. You should include an account of what your experience with the iPad, tablet. or touch technology. Did you get comfortable quickly in using the iPad or not. What was the biggest surprise in interacting with it? A possible topic could be how quickly these gestures as defined by lukew became to you to where you would soon have a behavioral response and were no longer thinking about it (as when you drive)
Second topic should be a reflective response. Feel free to look at writings on the web talking about the iPad's success such as the links I have provided for you in other articles on this web. Be sure to include at least two outside links in your post. Some ideas for topics: The future of touch and tablets. Tablets in business. Alternatives to the iPad. iPad in Education (look up Reed College for that one, perhaps) How to define an iPAd to someone who hasn't seen one, but is familiar with PCs. Another excellent contribution to the blog could be an update on iPad2; how it differs from the first version, how successful it has been, etc.
So again, I would like to see two posts on this blog. One looking at the visceral and behavioral aspects of your experience with the iPad and touch. The second should be reflective on what this technology means to the computer industry or the world at large. You should have your posts completed by the next class period. I.E. if you work with the iPad on April 18, posts are due by the first of class on Weds. April 20. If your iPad "experience" is April 20, you should have it done before class on April 25.
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